The final production
Fem Petraeus
Marius Gosschalk
Howard van Dodemont
Bartelijn Ouweltjes
Song ‘Widow’s Weeds’ by
The Fifty Dollar Band ft Wendy Meynderts
Written by Philip Howarth & Simon Sixsmith
Update January 2021
48 Hour Global Film Challenge
The 48 Hour Global Film Challenge (GFC) give filmmaking teams just one weekend to make a short film. All creativity — writing, shooting, editing and adding a musical soundtrack — must occur in a 48 hour window beginning Friday, June 5 evening at 7:00pm and ending Sunday, June 7 at 7:30pm. This special competition challenges filmmakers to create a short film from scratch the weekend and then battle other films around the world.
We created Widows Weed.
Logline: A remarkable and mysterious family story about a spy that fell in love with his subject, but cowardly rejected her fatal moves.
Synopsis: Massive popular internet star Brandy Admiraal has great ambitions concurring the world of entertainment by directing her first movie. This story about mysterious family drama is presented during a live television interview. The story is about her grandfather that once fell in love with his subject. A drama unfolding suppressing relationships secret seduction crossing social cultural borders is a story about spying one another. The outcome of the biggest fear might be reality.
Film will be presented later…
About Lagarde<>Hoeve
Willem-Joop Lagarde and Bart Hoeve studied together at the Utrecht School of the Arts in the former direction of Image and Media Technology (now: Image and media Technology). After the programme they regularly visited each other to make moving images together, among others for the VPRO, Lowlands and NPS (NPO), and for several VJ projects. In their contemporary composition they create visual works with a focus on video, technology and projection art.