


M.A. is a duo portrait of two people, in which the classical elements of portraits are taken to a contemporary representation of a portrait with the enrichment of moving image. The two subjects, the mothers of the artists, are framed and posed as a classical painting to which the fourth dimension, time, has been added. This creates a lively and intense experience of the portraits. The duo portrait of the two mothers depicts two worlds with a tension between similarities and differences in origin, lifestyle, youth and old age, in life and transience.

About Lagarde<>Hoeve

Willem-Joop Lagarde and Bart Hoeve studied together at the Utrecht School of the Arts in the former direction of Image and Media Technology (now: Image and media Technology). After the programme they regularly visited each other to make moving images together, among others for the VPRO, Lowlands and NPS (NPO), and for several VJ projects. In their contemporary composition they create visual works with a focus on video, technology and projection art.


‘Bring your own beamer’ @ het Nederlands Film Festival 2019 | Nicolaaskerkhof Utrecht
’Allee Allee’ @ Dutch Design Week 2019 | Hallenweg Eindhoven