Case IkJijWij
The Olympic Idea is more than just sport. It is a way of life. A state of mind. And everyone can join in. Moving forward, not backwards. Having fun. Enjoying the things you do. Making the most out of experiences. Having respect for each other. Learning from each other. Optimizing your talent. Proving yourself.
In the Netherlands we have built a campaign to communicate these Olympic values to the public. Our Olympic Committee chose to focus on three core values, based on the IOC campaign: Excellence, Respect and Friendship. All other Olympic values can be divided into these three value-categories. In order to project these values, it was imperative to define our interpretation of their content. For example, the term ‘Respect’ has become a common and frequently used term and its meaning has lost some of its value. Within the Olympic context we redefine the value of respect and translate it to the experiences of young people and strengthen its relevance.
The Olympic values 'friendship, excellence and respect' form the core of our communication strategy. They not only perfectly summarize the communication message towards our target groups, but also comprise the content of the Olympic educational material. First and foremost is the aim to extend the turnover of these materials in order to realise the ultimate goals.
Edutainment is the key word in this communication strategy. We thereby use the experience that the combination and methodology of entertainment and education strengthens the impact of the message on the target groups. The primary target group (teachers in Dutch primary education) also acts as an intermediary towards students.
Communication material aimed at secondary education (children, youth and adults) requires segmentation according to age. Considering the large age differences, various age-related communication materials must be utilized which serve different segments of the secondary education target group.
As described earlier, the Olympic values are an important component of our communication strategy. However, the terms friendship, excellence and respect will not provide a clear and comprehensive imagery for all the segments of the target audience. These values also need to be attractive and descriptive in brief contact moments and for young audiences.
By taking this into account in our communication strategy, a lot of distractive static can be avoided without losing the important message of the three pillar values.
The solution lies in a creative translation of three ‘complicated’ terms in a way that triggers audiences. This creative translation is the campaign concept and the hook on which many communication materials are hung. All this aims to make the three Olympic values come alive into a relatable narrative for the target group. To do this we opt for a more emotional tone of voice, instead of a more informative and businesslike way of communicating.
As part of the communication strategy we have chosen for an associative campaign concept. We make a connection between the educational materials (the products) and the Olympic values but also incorporating the core values which are so important for teachers.
Under the banner ME.YOU.WE, we illustrate the terms excellence, respect and friendship in a clear construction to which we attach different communication materials.
ME.YOU.WE. did not fall from the sky. It is a well-known slogan in the education system, think of the conjugation of verbs. This familiar credo now has an Olympic charge. Besides, the concept offers possibilities to link the core goals for primary education within the domain ‘citizenship’ (orientation on your place in the world around you) and ‘active education’.
From a communication point of view it is imperative that the campaign name sticks quickly, but also offers a glimpse into the content. It is open and stimulating. It offers ample opportunities for a broad application. Imagery is an important part of this as it shows emotion and requires no explanation. The input of (former) athletes is possible and in this concept even imperative!
Being active in sports contributes to your physical and emotional development and sense of well being. It enables you to get to know yourself better and make the most of your personal potential. Discovering your boundaries and how to extend these in a responsible way.
(Former) athletes know this from first-hand experience. This makes them ideal role models (the ‘I’ figure) for others. They know what it means to excel.
Role models are a source of inspiration. Especially for children and young people who depend on good role models to look up to, compare themselves to and aspire to. These role models communicate this message: ‘Make the most of yourself?
You can do that too. Discover your own boundaries; this will let you respect yourself.’
And those who respect themselves can then respect others.
Friendships are formed through mutual respect and by undertaking things together. Also, on a higher level, connections can also be made between different generations of people. In a friendly and informal manner you can learn from others and others can learn from you. That way you can discover how to be even better in the things you do, whether in practising your sport or more in general, regarding your daily life.
It all starts with a good example and you need the other just as much as that other person needs you to learn from each other.
ME.YOU.WE. Olympic education.